Important Roofing Terms You Should Know

Getting to know the different elements of your home’s roof will help you identify when there is a problem. If you struggle to identify your roofing shingles, flashing, and other roofing materials, you might be in need of some basic roofing education. A team of roofers serving Redmond will be thrilled to tell you more about the various components of your roof. After learning about how your roof is constructed, you will be able to maintain it properly. Let’s take a look at some important roofing terms that every homeowner should know. roofing - structure


The shingles form the outer layer of your roof, and they are probably the most easily identifiable component of your roof. Shingles can be made out of a variety of different materials, including asphalt, cedar, and tile. When you are shopping for new shingles for your roof, it is important to pick out a product that is both durable and attractive. Your shingles will have a dramatic impact on the final appearance of your roof.


Flashing is another important structural component for the roof of your home. Typically, flashing is composed of durable metal materials, such as copper or aluminum. After the roof shingles have been installed, flashing strips are used to seal any corners or seams. Once the flashing has been nailed into place, your roof will be water tight. If you start to notice strips of metal peeling up from the surface of your roof, you may be in need of a flashing replacement.

Pitch or Slope

Unless your roof is perfectly flat, it will have a certain degree of pitch or slope. The incline that your roof makes in comparison to the ground will impact its weather resistance and ability to drain water. During a roof inspection, your roofer might take the time to measure the pitch of your roof from the ground. Homeowners who continually experience roofing problems might want to consider adjusting roof pitch during a roof replacement procedure.